Jean-Paul Mazaroz, « A Paternalist Artisan »
Amidst a Time of Revolutions
"The great furniture manufacturer Monsieur Mazaroz, quite possibly the greatest."
Auguste Luchet, Wonders of the Universal Exhibition of 1867, p.193
Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), Portrait de Jean-Paul Mazaroz, 1863, huile sur toile, Lons-le-Saunier, musée des Beaux-arts © Lons-le-Saunier, musée des beaux-arts ; Jean-Loup Mathieu
The first industrial revolution took place in the late 18th century, starting in England and centered around coal, metallurgy, textiles, and the steam engine. Companies joined forces to optimize their logistics. The invention of increasingly efficient machines accelerated the transformation of raw materials into manufactured goods. This led to a migration to cities and a gradual abandonment of rural areas. Workers were able to produce much faster and in larger quantities. This marked the emergence of a homogeneous working class that began to prioritize the "social question." These changes had repercussions on societal ideals. France played a secondary role in the first industrial revolution, likely due to the importance of agriculture in its territory.
The second industrial revolution was based on electricity, mechanics, oil, and chemistry. Starting from 1850, France developed its railway network, expanding from 3,000 km in 1850 to 17,500 km in 1870. This facilitated the growth of textile, mining, and steel industries. Like elsewhere, the rise of industrialization led to a decline in the purchasing power of the working classes and the emergence of trade unions, the spread of socialism, and Marxist concepts. As Baron Haussmann highlighted, over half of the Parisians lived in "poverty bordering on destitution." In the last quarter of the 19th century, the economy was weakened by an important crisis, the defeat of France against the Prussians, and the Commune de Paris.
Previously, exhibitions were national, aimed at promoting the industry of the respective countries. In 1851, England organized the first Great Exhibition in London - subsequent World's Fair took place every 5 years and could last up to 6 months. One can imagine the power of English industries, ready to compete with other countries. France was the guest of honor at this first Great Exhibition, held in an exceptional architecture specially constructed for the occasion: the Crystal Palace. In France, the subsequent exhibitions held significant political symbolism. In 1855, Napoleon III organized an exhibition in Paris, with 36 represented states. 1867 marked Napoleon III's military victories. In 1878, the World's Fair brought together 46 countries and became the first major event organized in France after the events of the Commune and the advent of the Third Republic. The Commune was an insurrection against the State, starting on March 18, 1871, and lasting 72 days. The Communards opposed the majority monarchist National Assembly elected through universal male suffrage.
During the transformation of the working classes in the late 19th century, Jean-Paul Mazaroz (1823, Lions-le-Saunier - 1900, Saint-Mandé) was an artistic cabinetmaker, sculptor, collector, thinker, and social writer. He authored numerous works and texts seeking to highlight productive labor as a primary aspect of the history of nations. Mazaroz positioned himself in the lineage of Diderot's Encyclopedia. "Mazaroz's socialist convictions, strongly influenced by utopian thinkers such as Proudhon and Considerant," allow us to consider him a "conservative socialist." He attempted a political career in Dijon in 1848 and in Paris in 1876. He was closely associated with Gustave Courbet, who enthusiastically participated in the Commune. Gustave Courbet, in fact, found himself arrested, brought before a military tribunal, and sentenced to six months in prison following the toppling of the Vendôme Column, a symbol of Napoleon, which he had previously advocated for its destruction six months before the Commune. Furthermore, Courbet had refused the Legion of Honor from Maurice Richard, the Minister of Fine Arts, in 1870.
"Honor resides not in a title or a ribbon, but in one's actions and the motivations behind them. The utmost part of it lies in self-respect and the respect for one's own ideas."
Excerpt from an autograph letter by Gustave Courbet addressed to Minister Maurice Richard Paris,
June 23, 1870.
Jean-Paul Mazaroz, the son of an Italian bookbinder from Lons-le-Saunier, attended art schools (Ecoles des Beaux-arts) in Dijon and Paris. He excelled in sculpture and won first prize at the Dijon school. Mazaroz joined the family business, Ribailler, a renowned sculptor and furniture design company specializing in neo-Renaissance and neo-Gothic styles. In 1846, he received his first sculpture medal. By 1851, the company had acquired modern machinery. In 1853, Mazaroz married Bénigne, Pierre Ribailler's daughter, and two years later, they formed the Mazaroz-Ribailler partnership. They showcased their work at the prestigious World's Fairs of 1855 and 1862. To cater to their clientele, they transitioned from engravings to photography and even published original photographs of their creations in 1855 and 1857. Mazaroz was awarded the silver medal and first-class medal at the 1855 exhibition. His success and popularity grew after Napoleon III purchased a grand two-piece carved walnut cabinet with intricate details for the Château de Saint-Cloud. This marked a turning point in his career. He continued to shine at the 1867 and 1878 World's Fairs, winning several medals.
Château de Saint Cloud - Salle du conseil de Napoléon III
Bought by the Emperor Napoléon III at Exposition universelle in 1855
Photo Richebourg vers 1867- 1869
On the left, portrait of the Duchesse d’Albe, by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-1873)
During the 1867 exhibition, two notable furniture pieces caught attention: a sideboard in the Neo-Greek style and an oak bed with columns and a canopy commissioned by Prince Paul Demidoff.
Bed commissioned by Prince Paul Demidoff
Les merveilles de l’Exposition Universelle de 1867, page 199
Anonyme, Photographie de la salle à manger d’honneur de l’hôtel de ville de Paris, Salon Georges Bertrand, par Mazaroz-Ribailler
Mazaroz undertook significant projects such as the dining room in the Paris City Hall, Challain Castle, the Prefecture Hôtel of the Yvelines General Council, and the Hôtel of the French Imperial Commission. In 1865, he collaborated with his colleague Lemoine to organize the exhibition of the Central Union of Decorative Arts. Unfortunately, the business faced a decline, likely due to the Great Depression. It is recorded that Mazaroz attempted suicide in 1890 and remained blind until his death in 1900.
As a passionate collector, Mazaroz's extensive collection of French paintings from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, including works by Clouet, Mignard, Fragonard, Claude Gellée, Téniers, Van Dyck, Cranach, Horace Vernet, and an impressive collection of 34 Courbet paintings, was put up for sale in 1890. However, the sale went relatively unnoticed. One may speculate if this was linked to his political commitments, much like Courbet, who died in obscurity. Mazaroz also left behind a legacy in his hometown, including numerous works, including paintings by his close friend Gustave Courbet.
Mazaroz's passing in 1900 left behind exquisite furniture pieces and a remarkable body of work that continues to be celebrated today. In our era, we are witnessing technological revolutions, advancements in biotechnology, rapid communication, and globalization. What will be the impact of these changes on our lives?
Gustave Courbet, Le chasseur allemand, 1859, huile sur toile, Don de Jean-Paul Mazaroz, Lons-le-Saunier, Musée des Beaux-arts
These bookshelves beautifully blend different styles to create a stunning display for storing knowledge. The craftsmanship is superb, with intricate details throughout. The lower section is divided into three parts and adorned with four columns at the front and one at the back, flanking the exquisitely sculpted doors featuring dolphins facing each other within a central alcove. Along the middle, there are three drawers embellished with elegant swirling patterns. The upper section of the bookshelves follows the same rhythmic design, with four columns at the front and one at the back, each fluted and topped with Ionic capitals. It gracefully opens up to reveal three glass doors decorated in a style reminiscent of the intricate tracery found in Gothic cathedrals. The piece is elegantly crowned with a broken pediment, beautifully enhanced with a sculpted motif.
Jean-Paul Mazaroz
Pair of bookcases
Circa 1850
Darkened pear wood and oak
Height 295 cm Length 260 cm Depth 58 cm
Signed : P Mazaroz RN 17429 et 17 430
- Etude sur l’ouvrier, 1862.
- Projet de constitution prenant la famille comme modèle, 1871.
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- La Religion de Moïse, 1877.
- La République des classes dirigées, 1877.
- Projet des syndicats réunis pour la conversion et l'unification de la dette ottomane..., Signé : Jean-Paul Mazaroz, prince Y. de Nar-Bey, Alexandre Lièvre, 1877.
- Histoire des corporations d’arts et métiers, 1878.
- Congrès international de la propriété industrielle, 1878. A MM. les membres du comité d'organisation du Congrès international de la propriété industrielle de l'Exposition universelle de 1878. [Lettre pour leur soumettre trois questions intéressant la propriété industrielle. Signé : J.-P. Mazaroz.], 1878.
- Congrès international du commerce et de l'industrie, 1878. A Messieurs les membres du comité d'exécution du Congrès international du commerce et de l'industrie en 1878. [Lettre au sujet de l'établissement des tarifs d'entreprise par les chambres syndicales du bâtiment. Signé : J.-P. Mazaroz.], 1878.
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- Conclusion générale sur la Destruction du phylloxéra de la vigne, procédé J.-P. Mazaroz,... nouvelles lettres à M. le ministre ainsi qu'aux commissions départementales du phylloxéra, 1879.
- Pétition présentée à la Chambre des Députés en faveur de la destruction du phylloxéra de la vigne, procédé J.-P. Mazaroz. Session 1879.
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- L’Estampille, n°189, février 1986.
- La Première Révolution industrielle 1750 -1880, Patrick Verley, Armand Colin, 2016.
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- Révolution industrielle et croissance économique au XIXe, Chantal Beauchamps, Ellispe, 1997.
- Exposition universelle de 1862, Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, Classe 30, Objets d’ameublement, page 13.
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- Revue de l’art et de l’industrie, 1886.
- Connaissance des Art, octobre 1961.
- L’Estampille, n°189, février 1986.
- Catalogues de l'exposition universelle, 1855-1867-1878.
- Succession Mazaroz-Riballler, 1-3 décembre 1890.
- Le Mobilier Français du XIXe Denis Ledoux Lebard les éditions l’amateur
- La pensée sociale et politique de Jean Paul Mazaroz, industriel du meuble au Faubourg Saint-Antoine, et collectionneur d’art ( Lons le Saunier, 1823- Paris 1900), Pierre Merlin- Presses universitaires de Franche Comté, 2017.
- La Révolution industrielle 1780-1880,Jean-Pierre Rioux, édition Le Seuil.
Antiquités Rodriguez Décoration
Direction artistique : Roxane Rodriguez
Coordinatrice : Déborah Lalaudière