19th century
Art Nouveau
Prop Hire
D'après Titien, Tiziano Vecellio (1488/1490-1576), Danaé et Eros, XVIIe
Pierre Traverse (1892-1979), "La maternité", bronze argenté, XXe
Attribué à J.B. Peeters (1665-vers 1720), Fantaisie architecturale, fin XVIIe
Roger Capron (1922-2006) et Vallauris, table basse en carreaux de faience, XXe
Boiserie de charme aux scènes galantes, XVIIIe
Charles (1907-1978) et Ray (1912-1988) Eames, fauteuil à bascule RAR, 1950
Ettore Sottsass (1917-2007), Palm Spring, table, 1984
Series of 4 lanterns in cast iron and sandblasted glass, 20th century
Art Deco chandelier in chromed metal and molded glass, 20th century
Art Deco suspension in copper and opalescent glass, 20th century
Classic Design Italia - blue "Park Armchair" model armchair, 20th century
Wooden bed with metal base from the 1950s
Blond wood paneling from the 1950s, 20th century
Jean Marais (1913 - 1998), Story of my life lamp, 20th century
Sarreguemines, Paire de grands vases tubulaires à décor polychrome, XIXe
Dans le goût de Jean-Baptiste Pillement (1728-1808), chinoiseries, fin XVIIIe
Series of cups and saucers in English and French porcelain, 19th - 20th century
Francesca Capretta (18th century), Ink and wash drawing, 18th century
Emmanuel Orazi (1860-1934), Pair of Istanbul landscapes, 20th century